Network Monitoring

Network access traces with Tetragon

This adds a network policy on top of execution and file tracing already deployed in the quick start. In this case we monitor all network traffic outside the Kubernetes pod CIDR and service CIDR.

Kubernetes Cluster Network Access Monitoring

First we must find the pod CIDR and service CIDR in use. The pod IP CIDR can be found relatively easily in many cases.

export PODCIDR=`kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].spec.podCIDR}'`

The services CIDR can then be fetched depending on environment. We require environment variables ZONE and NAME from install steps.

export SERVICECIDR=$(gcloud container clusters describe ${NAME} --zone ${ZONE} | awk '/servicesIpv4CidrBlock/ { print $2; }')
export SERVICECIDR=$(kubectl describe pod -n kube-system kube-apiserver-kind-control-plane | awk -F= '/--service-cluster-ip-range/ {print $2; }')

First we apply a policy that includes the podCIDR and serviceIP list as filters to avoid filter out cluster local traffic. To apply the policy:

envsubst < network_egress_cluster.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

With the file applied we can attach tetra to observe events again:

 kubectl exec -ti -n kube-system ds/tetragon -c tetragon -- tetra getevents -o compact --pods xwing --processes curl

Then execute a curl command in the xwing pod to curl one of our favorite sites.

 kubectl exec -ti xwing -- bash -c 'curl'

A connect will be observed in the tetra shell:

🚀 process default/xwing /usr/bin/curl
🔌 connect default/xwing /usr/bin/curl tcp ->
💥 exit    default/xwing /usr/bin/curl 60

We can confirm in-kernel BPF filters are not producing events for in cluster traffic by issuing a curl to one of our services and noting there is no connect event.

kubectl exec -ti xwing -- bash -c 'curl -s -XPOST deathstar.default.svc.cluster.local/v1/request-landing'

The output should be similar to:

Ship landed

And as expected no new events:

🚀 process default/xwing /usr/bin/curl
🔌 connect default/xwing /usr/bin/curl tcp ->
💥 exit    default/xwing /usr/bin/curl 60

Docker/Baremetal Network Access Monitoring

This example also works easily for local docker users as well except it is not as obvious to the quickstart authors what IP address CIDR will be useful. The policy by default will filter all local IPs from the event log. So we can demo that here.

Set env variables to local loopback IP.

export PODCIDR=""

To create the policy,

envsubst < network_egress_cluster.yaml > network_egress_cluster_subst.yaml

Start Tetragon with the new policy:

docker stop tetragon-container
docker run --name tetragon-container --rm --pull always \
  --pid=host --cgroupns=host --privileged               \
  -v ${PWD}/network_egress_cluster_subst.yaml:/etc/tetragon/ \
  -v /sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux:/var/lib/tetragon/btf      \

Attach to the tetragon output

docker exec tetragon-container tetra getevents -o compact

Now remote TCP connections will be logged and local IPs filters. Executing a curl to generate a remote TCP connect.


Produces the following output:

🚀 process  /usr/bin/curl
🔌 connect  /usr/bin/curl tcp ->
💥 exit     /usr/bin/curl 0

Whats Next

So far we have installed Tetragon and shown a couple policies to monitor sensitive files and provide network auditing for connections outside our own cluster and node. Both these cases highlight the value of in kernel filtering. Another benefit of in-kernel filtering is we can add enforcement to the policies to not only alert, but block the operation in kernel and/or kill the application attempting the operation.

To learn more about policies and events Tetragon can implement review the Concepts section.

Last modified December 1, 2023: docs: fix syntax highlighting (e89f8ab7)