Monitor Process Credentials changes at the Kernel layer

Monitor Process Credentials changes at the kernel layer

Monitoring Process Credentials changes at the kernel layer is also possible. This allows to capture the new process_credentials that should be applied.

This process-creds-installed tracing policy can be used to answer the following questions:

Which process or container is trying to change its own UIDs/GIDs in the cluster?

Which process or container is trying to change its own capabilities in the cluster?

In which user namespace the credentials are being changed?

How to monitor process_credentials changes?

Advantages and disadvantages of kernel layer monitoring compared to the system call layer

The main advantages of monitoring at the kernel layer compared to the system call layer:

  • Not vulnerable to user space arguments tampering.

  • Ability to display the full new credentials to be applied.

  • It is more reliable since it has full context on where and how the new credentials should be applied including the user namespace.

  • A catch all layer for all system calls, and every normal kernel path that manipulate credentials.

  • One potential disadvantage is that this approach may generate a lot of events, so appropriate filtering must be applied to reduce the noise.

Kubernetes Environments

First, verify that your k8s environment is all setup and that all pods are up and running, and deploy the Demo Application:

kubectl create -f

It might take several seconds until all pods are Running:

kubectl get pods -A
NAMESPACE            NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
default              deathstar-54bb8475cc-6c6lc                   1/1     Running   0          2m54s
default              deathstar-54bb8475cc-zmfkr                   1/1     Running   0          2m54s
default              tiefighter                                   1/1     Running   0          2m54s
default              xwing                                        1/1     Running   0          2m54s
kube-system          tetragon-sdwv6                               2/2     Running   0          27m

Monitor Process Credentials installation

We use the process-creds-installed Tracing Policy that hooks the kernel layer when credentials are being installed.

So let’s apply the process-creds-installed Tracing Policy.

kubectl apply -f

Then we start monitoring for events with tetra cli:

kubectl exec -it -n kube-system ds/tetragon -c tetragon -- tetra getevents

In another terminal, inside a pod and as a non root user we will execute a setuid binary (suid):

/tmp/su -

The tetra cli will generate the following ProcessKprobe events:

 "process_kprobe": {
    "process": {
      "exec_id": "a2luZC1jb250cm9sLXBsYW5lOjE0MDczMDQyODk3MTc6MjIzODY=",
      "pid": 22386,
      "uid": 11,
      "cwd": "/",
      "binary": "/tmp/su",
      "arguments": "-",
      "flags": "execve rootcwd clone",
      "start_time": "2023-07-25T12:04:59.359333454Z",
      "auid": 4294967295,
      "pod": {
        "namespace": "default",
        "name": "xwing",
        "container": {
          "id": "containerd://2e58c8357465961fd96f758e87d0269dfb5f97c536847485de9d7ec62be34a64",
          "name": "spaceship",
          "image": {
            "id": "",
            "name": ""
          "start_time": "2023-07-25T11:44:48Z",
          "pid": 43
        "pod_labels": {
          "": "xwing",
          "class": "xwing",
          "org": "alliance"
      "docker": "2e58c8357465961fd96f758e87d0269",
      "parent_exec_id": "a2luZC1jb250cm9sLXBsYW5lOjEzOTU0MDY5OTA1ODc6MjIzNTI=",
      "refcnt": 1,
      "tid": 22386
    "parent": {
      "exec_id": "a2luZC1jb250cm9sLXBsYW5lOjEzOTU0MDY5OTA1ODc6MjIzNTI=",
      "pid": 22352,
      "uid": 11,
      "cwd": "/",
      "binary": "/bin/sh",
      "flags": "execve rootcwd",
      "start_time": "2023-07-25T12:04:47.462035587Z",
      "auid": 4294967295,
      "pod": {
        "namespace": "default",
                "name": "xwing",
        "container": {
          "id": "containerd://2e58c8357465961fd96f758e87d0269dfb5f97c536847485de9d7ec62be34a64",
          "name": "spaceship",
          "image": {
            "id": "",
            "name": ""
          "start_time": "2023-07-25T11:44:48Z",
          "pid": 41
        "pod_labels": {
          "": "xwing",
          "class": "xwing",
          "org": "alliance"
      "docker": "2e58c8357465961fd96f758e87d0269",
      "parent_exec_id": "a2luZC1jb250cm9sLXBsYW5lOjEzOTU0MDQ3NzY5NzI6MjIzNTI=",
      "refcnt": 2,
      "tid": 22352
    "function_name": "commit_creds",
    "args": [
        "process_credentials_arg": {
          "uid": 0,
          "gid": 0,
          "euid": 0,
          "egid": 0,
          "suid": 0,
          "sgid": 0,
          "fsuid": 0,
          "fsgid": 0,
          "caps": {
            "permitted": [
            "effective": [
          "user_ns": {
            "level": 0,
            "uid": 0,
            "gid": 0,
            "ns": {
              "inum": 4026531837,
              "is_host": true
    "action": "KPROBE_ACTION_POST"
  "node_name": "kind-control-plane",
  "time": "2023-07-25T12:05:01.410834172Z"

In addition to the Kubernetes Identity and process metadata from exec events, ProcessKprobe events contain the arguments of the observed system call. In the above case they are:

  • function_name: the kernel commit_creds() function to install new credentials.
  • process_credentials_arg: the new process_credentials to be installed on the current process. It includes the UIDs/GIDs, the capabilities and the target user namespace.

Here we can clearly see that the suid binary is being executed by a user ID 11 in order to elevate its privileges to user ID 0 including capabilities.

To disable the process-creds-installed Tracing Policy run:

kubectl delete -f